> UL-2C3D
Level 3 Luidspreker kabel |
2C3D Level 3
Speaker Cables mimic the performance
of the older series, while shrinking
costs by removing the costly Metal
“shoe” and removable tails. Now
soldered from end-to-end, we split
the networks into two smaller
enclosures connected by a super
flexible conductor group. One third
of the cost has been removed from
this design, making real High End
performance more accessible than
ever. A universal connector system
included for spades or bananas. |

> UL-2C3D
Level 2 Luidspreker kabel |
2C3D Level 2
Speaker Interfaces get right to the
heart of the music. Taking the
challenge of another High-End
manufacturer to "build the best
$10,000 cable you can build", the
2C3D Level 2 rises to the occasion.
Fashioned after the MIT Oracle 0 (~
$15,00) this component delivers real
High-End performance at a fraction
of the price. Includes SHD, HD and
2C3D circuitry in the Heritage
enclosure. Spades included. |

> UL-2C3D
Level 1 Luidspreker kabel |
Best of Class
We used most of the SHD, HD, and
2C3D circuitry from the 120's, but
made everything smaller. By using "through
hole" printed circuit boards and
smaller components, we reduced the
size by about 50%. The 2C3D Level 1
is Reference grade at "Real World"
prices. Spades included. |
> documenten