DMA-500SV Monaural Reference
The DMA-500SV Monaural Reference
Standard amplifier is a state of the
art intrumentation design
created and crafted for use in the
most demanding component audio
systems. Its quickness,
instantaneous accuracy and
unrestricted maximum power are
second to none in the industry. The
remarkable audio components from
Spectral have always evolved from
much careful listening and from
developing new technical designs
that were auditioned during live
music recording sessions and
production. The best - those
accurately conveying robust dynamics
and transparency along with
superlative deuil and staging have
become part of the Spectral legacy.
The DMA-500SV represents our most
advanced thinking and sophistication
in these areas.
Evotution of the ldeal Spectral
High-Speed Amplifier
Music technology continuously
advances or progresses and some
parts chosen to build the
DMA-500AR have favorably evolved to
deliver even better performance.
State of the art speakers have
become more demanding and now they
are more dependent on amplifier
control and capability. To address
these challenges the DMA-500SV has a
new power transformer design tirat
is capable of higher surge output to
improve musical dynamics.
Improvements to the driver circuits
of the DMA-500SV come from the use
of new technology parts including
our unique sustom TA technology
array capacitors. These super
precision Teflon parts allow
feed-forward circuits to precisely
anticipate and apply small
corections so internal amplification
and perceptual listening become
effortless. More cascode shield
circuits and greater power isolation
constructions have also been added
to reduce cable dependency and noise
propagations to other parts of the
music system. These fearures create
a subtle but very rewarding support
to ease of listening and the ability
to reach in and hear fine
microdetails that enhance realism
and the listening experience.
A combination of unrestricted power
and instanlaneous accuracy are a
superlative feature of the DMA-500
achitecture. To be agile, precise
and fully committed, each selected
output device, the largest of their
kind, has its own transformer
powering, a very large filter and an
optically coupled analog computing
safey circuit. This functional
grouping is configured with field
folding and noise cancelling layouts
that are far more effective than
mechanical shielding and massive
metalwork to
prevent electrical and magnetic
disturbances to other parts of the
amplifier. Should a loudspeaker
component fail, a sable short or a
power line surge, any of the
computers that are monitoring and
responding to device conditions can
instantly place the DMA-500 into a
safe protection mode. This technique
allows unimpeded output device
performance right up to the
protection event, a much superior
method compared to signal distorting
current limits that gradually shut
down the amplification before a
protection is really needed. With
computed safety, the combined
outputs of all devices in the
DMA-500 can be as high as 90 Amps.
This power capability is
unpreceedented in a high-speed
Since these parts groups operate
independently, they do not interact
or crosstalk or couple their
activities, acting as if each output
device were operating in its own
individual amplifier. The result is
extraordinarily low distortion and
noise. Waveform tracking can be of
precision acquisition quality with
one-part-per-million accuracy, an
assurance of absolute transparency
and neutral tonality.
Driver circuits for the high-speed
output section of the DMA-500 have
floating power architecture. Their
signal amplification parts operate
as if battery energized so
amplification activities are blocked
from propagating from one section to
another. Additional cascode shield
circuits create futher barriers to
isolate AC power and grounding
noises from circulating and creating
subtle distortions, Spectral
instrumentaion techniques
effectively use [tris stealth or
silent support technology to reveal
inner detail by preventing energy
storage effects and transient
distortions after a musical event.
Our fully discrete custom
serniconductors are used in these
circuits and unlike conventional low
speed and IC circuits, which switch
internal state conserving power,
Spectral's amplification paths up to
the output devices are always
operate in continuous Class A. Like
vacuum tubes they are always drawing
substantial power so the audio
activiry is not broken up by
switched states but instead the
action is smooth, small and
effortless requiring only a very
small part of the driver's full
Other circuits in the DMA-500
respond to music and operating
conditions. They anticipate and
directly nudge corrections that
would otherwise propagate through
feedback paths to stress the entire
amplifrcation path. This
feed-forward technique combined with
high current drivers and stealth
floating power reduce the need for
sound damaging excess feedback, a
burden placed on other amplifiers by
designers opting for the lowest
steady-state distortion measurements
that rarely corrrelate with the
abilify to faithfully reproduce
music. Without circuit stress, which
cover up delicate music signals, the
relaxed operation of the DMA-500 is
evident by its extraordinary
transparency, ability to delineate
subtle detail, and its lack of
technical intrusion or distraction.
All are manditory for timbral
neutrality, staging precision and
full dimensional realism.
The DMA-500SV monaural reference
arnplifer further advances the
sophisticated topology and design
features introduced in our limited
production DMA-500 anniversary
arnplifier. The DMA-500SV completes
the development of our "super veloce"
circuit technology that will be
translated throughout the Spectral
line of high performance high-speed
instrumentation amplifiers.
- 5tate of the art
instrumentation amplifier.
- Forth generation
high resolution design.
- Ultra fast
settling circuit architecture.
- Precision RF type
layout and topoÍogy.
- Focused Arrav
high-speed aligned fet output
- Generation 2 SHHA
high-speed hybrid driver module
features SV technology and custom
semiconductor topology.
- Power Vault
magnetic íield containment system.
- New generation
vertical mos-fet output transistors
with innovative servo-bias tracking
- Multiple power
supply array with independent power
supplies and bias adjustment for
output device.
- Non-invasive
optical and thermal protection
- Fully discrete
design with balanced monaural
- High current
systemboard design with buÍk copper
- All modular
construction with instrumentation
- Exfeme precision
passive components featuring custom
Teflon Íilms.
- U ltralow
distortion acheives
one-part-per-million signal accuÍacy.
Power Output (continuous)
@ 8 ohms - 350 Watts RMS
@ 4 ohms - 580 Watts RMS
@ 2 ohms - 750 Watts RMS
Output Current
- 90 Amps peak
Frequency Response
- ±0.1 dB, DC-150 KHz
±1 dB, DC-1 MHz
±3 dB, DC-1.8 MHz
- Less than 0.015% from DC
to 100 KHz.
- Typically 0.009% @ 350
Watts RMS / 8 ohms
- 8 Tone Cluster Test 20 KHz
@ 500 Hz separation
- 0.01% 8 ohms
0.015% / 4 ohms
- Rise Time: Less than 225
Settling: 28 microseconds to 0
signal noise
Slew Rate: 1200 volts/microsecond
- Signal to Noise: 108dB ASA A
- Impedance: 10K
Sensitivity: 1.5V nominal output
Power Supply
- Line Voltage: 100 volts, 120
volts, 220 volts (internal wiring/factory)
AC Voltage Range: +/- 10%
Maximum Consumption: 2000 watts
Quiescent Consumption: 115 watts
Operating Temp. : 0° to 50° Celsius
range; 32° to 122° Farenheit
Protection Features
- DC Protection Servo: 0.5V range
Current Limit Onset: 90 amps
Thermal Threshold: Protects at 85°
Celsius, 185° Farenheit
AC Main Fuse: 5A/3 AG slo-blo
Mechanical Specifications
Dimensions: 20" (50.8 cm), W x 7
1/4" (18.4cm) H x 19.6" (49.9 cm) D
Weight: 72 lbs (34.0) kg net |