ArNi® is a type of
wire created by Shunyata Research
designed to be the finest quality
wire available for audio purposes.
It begins with the highest purity of
copper available – OFE C10100 or
Ohno (single crystal). Then it is
formed in virtual hollow tubes
eliminating skin effects and eddy
current distortions. In addition,
the wire undergoes our proprietary
KPIP™ process. |
manufacturers use the same cable for
both RCA and XLR cables.
Single-Ended and Balanced
signal transmission is fundamentally
different and each requires a
different cable design for optimal
signal transmission and minimal RFI/EMI
interference. All Shunyata Research
cables are specifically designed for
each type of signal interface. A
coaxial design is best for
single-ended connections while a
shielded twisted pair design is best
for balanced connections. |
Shunyata Research operates its own
on-site Cryogenics International
Computer Controlled
Cryogenic plant. Liquid
nitrogen is used to reduce the
temperature of the contents to -320
degrees Fahrenheit. The computer
monitors and lowers the temperature
by a single degree at a time to
prevent thermal shock. We use this
process to improve the performance
of wire, conductors, connectors and
terminals that are used in our power
products and signal cabling. |
CCI™ filters have
the unique ability to reduce
component-generated power line noise
without inhibiting DTCD® (dynamic
transient current delivery). This
unique filter element prevents power
line noise from one component
contaminating the other adjacent
electronic components. Shunyata
Research’s CCI™ filter modules
consist of proprietary multi-stage
filters that reduce power
supply-generated noise without the
use of heavy transformers, coils or
large capacitors. |
CGS (Chassis
Grounding System) is an internal
ground-buss that uses patented NIC™
technology to reduce ground plane
noise. CGS provides a common
grounding point and extends the
noise reduction capability of the
power conditioner’s internal NICs to
other electronic components. CGS
helps to minimize inter-component
voltage differences between
component chassis and may reduce the
hum associated with ground loops. |
Common-node noise
is different than differential
noise and is much more difficult
to measure and eliminate. For
the purest signal possible,
Shunyata Research has developed
a CMode filter that effectively
reduces common-mode noise
without introducing the sonic
compression effects associated
with conventional filters. It
reduces high-frequency noise
distortion while delivering an
analog ease and palpable
background silence that closes
the gap between digital and
analog systems. - Reduces
common-mode noise
audiophile grade connectors are made
from brass or bronze. While some may
get a plating of silver, gold or
rhodium, the majority of the current
is carried by the contact’s
base-metal. CopperCONN®
connectors contain pure copper
contacts which has a much higher
conductivity that brass. The
difference in performance is clearly
audible. |
Distributed Power
Conditioning is a solution
developed by Shunyata Research to
solve the problems associated with
power line noise in large, complex
entertainment systems. Entertainment
and pro-audio systems may include
multiple electronic components that
may be located in multiple locations
making it impossible to use a
single-box power conditioner
solution. Shunyata Research solves
this problem by intercepting noise
at several power line entry and exit
points in the entertainment system.
System-wide CCI™ interference can be
significantly improved by using a
combination of noise reduction
products including; power
conditioners, NR power cords and
small outlet filters. |
HARP was discovered
through Gabriel’s research into
‘current drift’ and audio frequency
current resonances that occur in
speaker cables. Theoretically, a
speaker cable may develop current
resonances in the audio band, being
roughly analogous to standing waves
(modals) in room acoustics. The
HARP module acts as a current mode
diffraction device that breaks up
these resonances, improving the
perceived resolution and coherency
of the system. |
Power distributors react very
similarly to power amplifiers in
their sensitivity to vibration.
Using the Shunyata vibration
analyzer, Caelin Gabriel developed
the Shunyata Isolation
Footer, which possesses
excellent measured vibration
dampening characteristics. Shunyata
Research also produces several
SSF (stainless steel feet) that
employ energy absorbing polymers. (Note:
SSF feet are standard on some models
and optionally available on others) |
KPIP™ (Kinetic
Phase Inversion Process) was
developed by Caelin Gabriel after
years of research into the
underlying causes of various effects
such as burn-in, wire directionality
and the effects of cryogentic
treatment. He discovered that there
was an underlying core principle
that burn-in and cryogenics only
“partially” addressed. Once the
governing principle was understood
it became possible to create a
processing technique and machine
that could virtually eliminate the
need for burn-in and cryogenic
treatment. |
NIC™ (Noise Isolation
Chamber) is a patented Shunyata
Research device that reduces high
frequency power line noise. It
employs a ferroelectric substance
that actually absorbs high frequency
noise without any of the reactive
negatives associated with
transformers and large capacitors as
used in conventional power
conditioners. ~ Patent US 8,658,892
~ |
Shunyata Research uses only the
highest purity of copper available
for the production of its wire
products. OFE Alloy 101
or C10100 is the highest grade of
copper with a minimum 99.99% purity
and a conductivity rating of 101%
IACS. OFE stands for oxygen-free
electrolytic and supersedes the term
OFHC (oxygen-free high conductivity).
C10100 is the only grade of copper
that comes with a written
certification of purity. Certified
by ASTM F68 C10100. |
Ohno wire, also
called PCOCC was invented in 1986
by professor Atsumi Ohno of the
Chiba Institute of Technology in
Japan. Copper wire is created by an
extrusion process that pulls a rod
of cold copper through a small
orifice which creates multiple
crystalline boundaries. By contrast,
Ohno wire is made by a process
using heated molds that cast a wire
to form a single crystalline
structure. Ohno wire is well known
for its exceptionally pure,
grain-free sonic qualities. |
Shunyata Research digital cables are
produced using a Precision
Matched Z (PMZ) concept.
This means that tolerances of the
conductor surface, dielectric
extrusion, and the precision of the
braided shield are held to minute
variances. To achieve these tight
tolerances, the extrusion and
braiding machines must be run at
one-quarter speed during the
manufacturing process. The result is
better performance through a
reduction of cable-induced ‘signal
jitter’. (Note: Z means impedance) |
QR/BB™ is a
patented device which dramatically
enhances the perception of dynamic
impact and timing when connected to
amplifiers or other high-current
electronics. The QR/BB™ is unique
in that it provides a local reserve
of energy, or Coulomb charge, that
mitigates the inductive reactance of
the AC power line without using
coils, transformers or capacitors.
The QR/BB™ acts as an
instantaneous energy reserve when
placed in-line with an AC power
supply. |
manufacturers use the same cable for
both RCA and XLR cables.
Single-Ended and Balanced
signal transmission is fundamentally
different and each requires a
different cable design for optimal
signal transmission and minimal RFI/EMI
interference. All Shunyata Research
cables are specifically designed for
each type of signal interface. A
coaxial design is best for
single-ended connections while a
shielded twisted pair design is best
for balanced connections. |
Crimping, soldering, brazing and
cold soldering are all inferior
methods of joining two wires or
terminals together. Sonic
welding uses high energy
sonic waves to literally join two
metals together at a molecular level.
There is no solder or intermediary
metals involved in the process. |
speaker terminal system was designed
to eliminate the high cost and
complication of speaker cable
termination. The system makes it
possible to use the same speaker
cable with a variety of different
amps and speakers. If a spade is
damaged, you can simply replace it
without sending it to the factory
for re-termination. STIS™
interchangeable terminals have
undergone extensive user listening
tests to insure that they provide
the finest audio performance that is
equal or superior to non-replaceable,
soldered terminals. |
TAP (Transverse
Axial Polarizer) is a device that
interacts with the electromagnetic
field generated by the signal
traveling along the signal cable.
TAP improves the sonic performance
of the cable by modifying the
behavior of the electromagnetic wave
that surrounds the signal cable. In
effect, the TAP blocks
longitudinal-oriented waves while
passing transverse-oriented waves.
The effect in sonic terms is like
using polarized sunglasses to reduce
reflected sunlight. Correcting
polarization micro-distortion
reduces what some call sonic glare.
~ Patent Pending ~ |
terminals, spades, bolts and washers
that are used to connect internal
wiring, terminals and switches are
good examples of parts that are
considered “Trivial Parts”
by some engineers. Shunyata Research
actually designs and makes a wide
variety of these small parts using
pure copper instead of tinned brass.
Such a level of attention to even
the smallest details is what
distinguishes every Shunyata
Research product. |
After years of research into the
negative effects of vibration,
Shunyata Research developed its own
vibration isolation
using sub-miniature accelerometers
that accurately measures the effects
of floor and airborne sound waves.
We use it in the development of
vibration absorbing materials such
as energy absorbing footers, AC
outlet gaskets and chassis dampeners
that reduce resonant vibration.
Recognizing that vibration control
is important to overall performance,
our chassis are made with optimally
dampened steel and aluminum, rather
than plastic or thin-wall sheet
metals. |
Shunyata Research's exclusive VTX™ conductors
are made in the shape of virtual
tubes. The core of the conductor is
completely hollow minimizing skin
effects and random eddy currents.
They are produced using OFE
Alloy-101. |
Shunyata's VTX-Ag
cables are uniquely constructed with
both an inner, center conductor made
of pure silver and an outer
concentric ring conductor made of
pure copper. It's made using the
finest fluorocarbon insulation to
minimize dielectric absorption and
re-radiation which translates to an
improvement in resolution and
clarity. VTX-Ag delivers the speed
and clarity of silver and the
midrange warmth and three
dimensional power in the lower
octaves of copper without imparting
any of the negatives associated with
either metal. - The best
qualities of silver and copper
combined |
ZrCa-2000 is a
proprietary compound, used in NICs,
that absorbs and dissipates
high-frequency noise when used in
power conditioners or power supplies.
The ZrCa-2000 materials are
ferroelectric, crystalline materials
that act on the electric field
similar to the manner in which
ferrite (ferrous metals) acts on the
magnetic field. Both absorb high
frequency noise; however, the
ZrCa-2000™ compounds do so without
the negative sonic side effects
commonly associated with the use of
ferrite in an audio system.
~ Patents US 8,658,892 and US
6,242,689 ~ |
ΞTRON® is a
technology developed by Shunyata
Research that prevents dielectric
absorption and re-radiation in
signal transmission. It requires a
special type of conductor that has
two signal paths and an electric
field compensation circuit that
creates a cancellation signal that
prevents the insulation from
developing a charge. ΞTRON® cables
preserve the integrity of the source
signal even when using very long
runs of cable.
Patent US 8,912,436, Patent Ch
ZL201180047344.2. |
DTCD® Analysis is a
proprietary measurement technique
developed to measure instantaneous
current flow through very low
impedance electrical conductors and
contacts. It is used to optimize the
design of electrical parts and
materials, ensuring optimal
instantaneous current delivery.
DTCD® Analysis gives Shunyata
Research a clear competitive
advantage in the design and
development of high performance
power delivery products. |