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>  Omega-X QR Power Cord



Caelin Gabriel was given a challenge to design the ultimate power cord without regard to costs, construction intricacies or time constraints. It would have to exceed ALL current levels of performance and achieve an unprecedented degree of clarity and dynamic expression. The OMEGA-X power cords are the ultimate examples of more than a quarter-century of dedicated research and product refinement. Literally hundreds of tests, man hours, alternative materials and innovative construction techniques have combined to deliver products proven to posses incomparable performance. Shunyata Research power cables have proven to deliver an elite level of performance within the world's finest recording studios, mastering labs and life-preserving medical systems.


The Omega-X QR is the barometer of what can be achieved when the entirety of one individual’s passion, intelligence and creativity is focused on the creation of a singularly iconic product. The Omega-X QR contains not one, but two patented QRBB elements. The addition of the second QRBB dramatically improves the performance of the world's finest amplifiers, preamplifiers, as well as the finest analog and digital source components. Omega-X QR is no longer just for amplifiers; it is designed to form a sympathetic bond with all classes of components. Once connected, the Omega X QR creates an island of calm within the sea of noise that surrounds electronics systems.


Don't be fooled by the Omega-X power cord’s large gauge conductors and sizable diameters. Both models are relatively lightweight and bend easily to route around or through tight bends or corners. No power cord this massive has the combination of the Omega-X power cord’s ability to navigate in and around systems with ease. Omega-X power cords unlock performance to a degree that has startled even the most seasoned industry veteran. Omega-X cables break through all performance barriers to deliver the full potential locked within the world’s most exotic music systems.


TAPc The ALPHA-X features the all-new TAPc technology. TAP (transverse axial polarizer) is a patent pending technology that Shunyata Research developed to improve the performance of its reference signal cables. The TAPc technology is a radical advancement of the TAP technology that enables a significant reduction in the size of the modules – and for the first time allows this technology to be applied to power cords. The sonic results of TAPc include a cavernous drop in perceived noise floor, effortlessly portrayed dynamics and a superb rendering of timing and coherency. The sonic benefits of the TAPc technology are quite simply unique and cannot be replicated by any competing product or technology. Even to an untrained ear, the effects of the TAPc are immediately apparent and repeatable across a variety of components and systems. In essence, the TAPc modules are force-multipliers that elevate the listening experience to a level many would not imagine possible.
True to its reputation for migrating its most profound patented technologies into more affordable products, Shunyata Research has done it again. Previously found only in the ultimate Omega power cords, the QR/BB™ module takes a wrecking ball to power cord performance expectations. The QR/BB™ module possesses the ability to act as an electric charge reservoir, meaning it stores and releases energy in a manner that improves a component’s access to instantaneous current. Dynamics are actually improved, reducing any sense of dynamic strain often heard from amplifiers that are connected with lesser power cables. The sonic result is a lifelike presentation of timing and dynamic contrasts in sound that cannot be replicated by ANY other means. The SIGMA-X QR creates an island of pure silence when used with reference quality amplifiers and source components. The QR/BB technology essentially supercharges the component’s power supply with reserve levels of DTCD energy.  For the first time, this remarkable QR/BB technology is available at a much lower price in order to reach far wider audience. — Patent Number: US 10,031,536 —
Gen3 NR Perhaps no technology has been more thoroughly researched, measured and third-party tested than Shunyata Research’s power line noise reduction technology. Gen2 NR technology, as used in the Gamma and Theta power cord lines, has been proven effective in heart surgery labs across the U.S. and Europe. Countless iconic recording engineers, mastering studios and musicians have provided vivid accounts supporting the efficacy of Shunyata Research’s NR power cords. The Gen-3 NR circuit, as used in the ALPHA-X and SIGMA-X power cords, improves upon the sonic performance of the Gen-2 circuit. Transient speed, transparency and purity are all significantly improved along with an improvement in micro-dynamics. The new NR circuit is also more compatible across a broader spectrum of electronic component types; including preamplifiers and power amplifiers. Even amplifiers operating in pure Class A will realize a significant benefit when using our Gen3 NR equipped power cables. (The ALPHA-X XC power cords are now, primarily, recommended for use with power distributors.)
KPIP v2™ Shunyata Research’s proprietary Kinetic Phase Inversion Process includes four days of continuous KPIP v2™ processing which refines conductor metals at a molecular level. This dramatically reduces burn-in time and significantly improves sonic performance, delivering a relaxed and life-like presentation. When compared to the original process, KPIP v2™ represents a dramatic performance upgrade on par with a component-level upgrade.
Shunyata’s VTX-Ag cables are uniquely constructed with both an inner, center conductor made of pure silver and an outer concentric ring conductor made of pure copper. It’s made using the finest fluorocarbon insulation to minimize dielectric absorption and re-radiation which translates to an improvement in resolution and clarity. VTX-Ag delivers the speed and clarity of silver and the midrange warmth and three dimensional power in the lower octaves of copper without imparting any of the negatives associated with either metal. – The best qualities of silver and copper combined
OFE 101
Fluorocarbon dielectrics are usually only found in wire used in the aerospace industry, satellites and only the most expensive audiophile cabling. It has special electrical characteristics; very low dielectric absorption, high dielectric strength and exceptional heat resistance. When used in audio and power cables is reduces the perception of dynamic compression and it improves sonic low-level resolution and clarity.

Crystal clear transient detail.
Many audiophile grade connectors are made from brass or bronze. While some may get a plating of silver, gold or rhodium, the majority of the current is carried by the contact’s base-metal. ‌CopperCONN® connectors contain pure copper contacts which have a much higher conductivity than brass. The difference in performance is clearly audible.


- Conductors: VTX-Ag

- QR Model: 06
- XC Model: 04

- Construction: 1" tube
- Dielectric: Fluorocarbon

Noise Reduction:
- QR Model: > 6 dB @ 1 MHz
- XC Model: None

- QR Model: QRBB 2x, NIC, TAPc Polarizer 2x
- XC Model: TAPc Polarizer 2x

- AC Connector: CopperCONN™ (platinum plated), Carbon-Fiber
- IEC Connector: CopperCONN™ (platinum plated), Carbon-Fiber
- KPIP v2 Processing: 4-days
- Color: Gray flex (black optional)

Standard Length:
- QR Model: 2.0 meters
- XC Model: 1.75 meters

- Safety Assurance: Continuity and polarity tests – by two technicians HiPOT tests insulation
  breakdown @ 4,500 VAC



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