Elk product van deze
versterker fabrikant uit Forest Hill, Californie
heeft altijd twee kenmerken: een zeer eenvoudige
en korte signaalweg en een bouwkwaliteit die
ervoor garant staat dat elke unit waarschijnlijk
de volgende eeuw gaat zien. De legendarische
Nelson Pass, gelauwerd ontwerper van talloze
hifi-evergreens, huldigt het principe van
'simpeler is beter'. Er zijn veel recensenten,
dealers en eigenaren die het karakter van een
buizenversterker herkennen, maar dan met
eindeloos veel drive en grip en zonder de
rompslomp en de 'gevaren'.
INT-25 Geïntegreerde Versterker
2 x 25 Watt
INT-60 Klasse A
Geïntegreerde Versterker
2 x 60 Watt
INT-250 Geïntegreerde Versterker
2 x 250 Watt
XP-12 Voorversterker
XP-22 Voorversterker met
externe voeding
XP-32 Voorversterker
L/R Chassis
externe voeding
Xs-Preamp XS Voorversterker met
externe voeding
XP-17 Phono Voorversterker
Phono Voorversterker
met externe voeding
Xs-Phono XS Phono Voorversterker
met externe voeding
Hoofdtelefoon Versterker
(Ook als Voorversterker
te gebruiken)
XA25 Stereo Eindversterker
2x25 Watt
X150.8 Stereo Eindversterker
2x150 Watt
X250.8 Stereo Eindversterker
2x250 Watt
X350.8 Stereo Eindversterker
2x350 Watt
X260.8 Mono Eindversterker
1x260 Watt
X600.8 Mono Eindversterker
1x600 Watt
XA30.8 Klasse A
Stereo Eindversterker
2x30 Watt
XA60.8 Klasse A
Mono Eindversterker
1x60 Watt
XA100.8 Klasse A
Mono Eindversterker
1x100 Watt
XA160.8 Klasse A
Mono Eindversterker
1x160 Watt
XA200.8 Klasse A
Mono Eindversterker
1x200 Watt
Xs150 Klasse A
Mono Eindversterker
Externe Voeding
1x150 Watt
Xs300 Klasse A
Mono Eindversterker
Externe Voeding
1x300 Watt
The last ten years have
once again demonstrated that high-end amplifiers
with part-per-million distortion numbers and
other superlative specifications are not very
popular. It's like pure distilled water-it has
no character and most people don't want to drink
much have preamplifiers and power amplifiers
improved over the past decade, and why?
The last ten years have once again
demonstrated that high-end amplifiers with
partpermillion distortion numbers and other
superlative specifications are not very
popular. It's like pure distilled water—it has
no character and most people don't want to drink
it. If there has been progress, it has been
where the subjective character has been refined
in the service of the listener's experience. To
paraphrase McLuhan, we are turning our mature
technologies into art.
Have the sounds of tubed and solid-state
electronics converged toward a common neutrality
in the past 20 years? No, just
the opposite. Anything resembling convergence to
objective neutrality occurred in the late 60s
and early 70s, and since then tubes and
solidstate have diverged, catering to different
needs and tastes. Tube preamplifiers have
assumed a popular role—warming up the sound when
mated to a solid-state power amplifier. You
could speculate that this results in a
subjective neutrality in the ears of the
You choose to work
primarily in solidstate/single-ended Class A.
What are the advantages you see to your chosen
technology? At some point in the
past I lost interest in complex amplifiers, so
now I enjoy extracting really good sound from
simple amplifiers. This naturally leads to
solidstate Class A, where I can make a
goodsounding low power amplifier with as little
as a single FET and a light bulb. And I do.
Is Class D
competitive with linear designs in sound quality,
and if not, will it ever be? Does
a $10 bottle of wine compete with a $100 bottle?
Of course it does, and it often wins based on
price. Right at the moment Class D designers
seem to be still focusing on the objectively
measured performance of their amplifiers. I
expect that at some point the economics of the
marketplace will encourage them to pay more
attention to the subjective qualities, and then
they will probably play a greater role in the
high end.
Has amplifier design
reached its zenith where further improvements
are marginal, or will the next decade produce
even better-sounding preamplifiers and power
amplifiers? I am optimistic. I
think the power amplifiers will be mine, and the
preamplifiers will be Wayne Colburn's.