The moniker
Note Perfect was chosen by Bruce
Brisson to represent MIT product
or products that meet or exceed
his best expectations. Look for
this symbol of excellence when
working on systems that are
intended to return performance
without peer.
ACC 268.2 and ACC
272BW(bi-wiring) are the cost no
object, no holds barred, no
detail not considered product of
Bruce Brisson’s lifetime of
engineering and design
experience. This project
culminates everything he has
learned along the way of his 35
years leading our industry to
the heights that were once
unimaginable. The ACC 268 is his
“manifesto” to the others who
are seeking the highest ends of
audio playback with the ultimate
goal of transporting one’s self
into the event, into the room
and with the people who made
some of the most beautiful
sounds in the universe.