DaaD Mark II
De DaaD II serie is uiterlijk
identiek aan zijn voorganger, alleen
de gouden sticker laat zien dat het
om een nieuwe, verbeterde versie van
de DaaD gaat. De zo belangrijke
veranderingen zitten aan de
binnenkant. Na een lange periode van
uitgebreide testen, zijn de interne
lagen akoestisch materiaal vervangen
door een nieuwe innovatieve soort.
Deze heeft een exclusieve nieuwe
structuur, gepatenteerd door een
innovatief Europees bedrijf. Door
deze innovatie is de
effectiviteit van de DaaD Mark II
met 15% toegenomen vergeleken
met zijn voorganger, daardoor is het
mogelijk om akoestische behandeling
van de ruimte efficiënter uit te
voeren met minder elementen. Net als
bij de vorige DaaD is ook in deze
mark II versie gebruik gemaakt van
niet-giftige materialen en worden
er, ook na langer tijd, geen
microdeeltjes losgelaten. De kleur
van de DaaD mark II verandert niet
door blootstelling aan licht, ook de
witte variant niet die in de vorige
serie na verloop van tijd nog wel
eens kon vervagen tot een beige-geel.
Een additionele waarde en een extra
verkoopargument kan zijn dat wij de
eerste en enige producent zijn die
dit nieuwe materiaal, dat al
veelvuldig gebruikt wordt in de
electrome-dische wereld, bij
aeronautische toepassingen en hoog
ontwikkelde luchtfilteringssystemen,
gebruiken bij akoestische Hifi
apparatuur. De DaaD mark II
herbevestigt en vergroot zijn
superioriteit als de meest
efficiënte en veelzijdige
akoestische diffuser speciaal
ontwikkeld voor Hi-End
DaaD Mark II (Engels)
DaaD Mark II series aesthetically
are identical to the previous, only
the golden sticker tells us that we
are in front of the new improved
series of DaaD. The so important
differences are inside it; after a
long period of extensive tests, we
have replaced its internal layers of
acoustic material with a new and
innovative one. It has an exclusive
progressive structure, patented by a
great European factory; by this
innovation the efficiency of DaaD
Mark II is increased of 15% in
comparison with the previous
release, so it's possible to perform
acoustic treatments furthermore
efficient with less elements. As the
previous materials, also the new one
it's totally nontoxic and it doesn't
release micro-particles also after
many years from the installation; it
has also no any change of color
with the exposure to the light,
resolving the gradual variance to
beige-yellow of the previous release
in white color. As additional value
and argument for selling, we think
is important to know that we are the
first and only one producer which
use this innovative material in
acoustic devices for HiFi, while is
largely used in electro-medical
field, in aeronautics and in the
more sophisticated system of air
filtering. DaaD Mark II reconfirms
and increases its supremacy as the
most efficient and versatile
acoustic device specifically
developed for Hi-End listening
rooms. Studio DaaD is a
DaaD 2 equipped with a telescopic
slide bar screwed on a strong tripod.
The bar slides of 80 cm and allows
to adjust the DaaD at the requested
height, starting from 23 cm from the
floor. A practical screw ring
guarantees the locking.
The best Sound
Harmonizers in the world.
Some authoritative people in the
audio field flatter us by claiming
that DAADs are the best device ever
made for home environment acoustics.
To keep up with the high-end sound
evolution, we have created a "fast"
acoustic trap able to deal with the
resonant frequencies, without
affecting the non-resonant ones.
The micro-pressed metal sheet with
its view surface and the combination
of materials for the resistive layer
create a correct friction to the air
going through them. This way, the
functioning of the whole acoustic
device is not slow regarding the
timing of the music transients
following one another.
This, besides being extremely
elegant from an acoustic point of
view, yields significant practical
advantages. The micro-pressed metal
sheet looks good and is easy to
clean. The resistive material is
hygienic and firm. The final
lobe-like shape, too, is very
important for the following reasons:
- Its internal volume being equal to
a cylinder, a lobe-shaped device "penetrates"
the corner more deeply, thus
capturing the resonant frequencies
more easily.
- This shape makes it easier to use
different materials at the same time
for the resistive layer of the
- Like the cylinder, unlike a level
panel, a lobe-shaped device allows
us to have an internal volume of air
and a thickness able to create "acoustic
shade" . In other words: very good
ratio between room employed and
- Like the cylinder, unlike a level
panel, a lobe-shaped device can be
rotated on itself. Since one of the
lobes features a more powerful
diffusion effect, this can be used
for adjusting the room acoustics
according to one's needs or taste.

The most interesting acoustic action
of DAADs is the way they "stir"
energy: a sound wave hitting a DAAD
is dealt with so that not only does
it get out delayed and balanced, but
even homogeneously diffused all
around. With DAADs, every sound
parameter gets better: the
reproduction of the voice, which is
open, sharp and clear; the sense of
“airiness”, freedom, opening of
sound-stage; the degree of cleaning
of the acoustic slime at low
frequencies and in the warmth region
(100-300 Hz); dynamics. It’s the
combination of these three things (shape,
metal sheet, quality and thickness
of the resistive material) that
enables DAADs to behave both as a
fast acoustic trap for the resonant
low frequencies and as a
diffusing-diffracting device able to
transform the energy of early
reflections into more delayed
reflections, thus enriching the
sound with precious diffused sound
energy. DAADs are the first acoustic
device capable of “changing” the
dimensions of a home listening room,
transforming it into a bigger one,
with characteristics suitable for
audio reproduction. When DAADs are
placed in the strategic points of
the listening room, they open the
soundstage up and, at the same time,
give back to music its sense of
presence and liveliness. In order to
deal with any acoustic problem of
domestic environments, there are
three kinds of DAADs: the most
voluminous one (DAAD 4) works from
50 Hz.. The medium one (DAAD 3) from
80 Hz.. The small one (DAAD 2) from
120 Hz.. |